Just a quick update on my progress through the Partnership to Success program with John Thornhill.

After several weeks of study and hard work, I’ve finally achieved something very important: I’ve now have enough enticing bonus products to add to my main offerings.

Good bonus products always sweeten the deal for any prospective customer, and are an essential inclusion.

Together with some excellent new graphics from Steve at GFX-1, I’ve begun adding these to my sales page and members’ area with the OptimizePress pagebuilder.

In some cases, I’ve managed to source some excellent training videos with private label rights that complement my main product. But for other bonuses, I’ve had to create something from scratch.

I tell you, it’s tough and it’s taking a while, but we are inching closer to that date when I can launch my first ever products for sale!

Check back soon for when I move onto the next stage of the program – we are finally approaching the last ten days!

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Go to Next Update

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