After handling all of the legal complexities of Day Five, today was quite exciting for me: learning how to build my first email list!

Why was this exciting? Because I happen to think that list building is the true gateway to marketing success online. In fact, I’m really looking forward to building a relationship with my subscribers and customers through helping them meet their business needs, day after day.

The happy result of today’s coaching is the “Connect with Duncan” form you can see in the sidebar (hint: if you aren’t already signed up, now is your chance!).

It’s remarkable how easy it is to set these things up today compared to how things were just ten, fifteen years ago.

One little tip: John recommends AWeber as your email marketing platform. Initially, you can sign up for the free account to learn this part of the training. You will need to subscribe to a paid account only when you want to create more lists and grow your subscriber base.

Having accomplished so much so far, I’m already wondering what tomorrow has in store!

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Go to Day Seven

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