Over four days of Partnership to Success, John teaches you various methods of creating your product:

  • PDF (suitable for eBooks, pamphlets, checklists etc.)
  • Video
  • Audio
  • Presentations

You’ll also learn about suitable software you can use for producing products in each of these formats.

My advice: for your first product, choose a format that is easiest for you. For instance, if you are accustomed to making PowerPoint presentations then don’t struggle to make a video series!

Further, the format should be suitable for your product. Some information is better delivered in, say, video rather than in an eBook.

For me, I will be sticking to the creation of eBooks, with some images and charts thrown in. As a writer, this is what I am most comfortable with – and it also happens to be the least expensive option as I can just use standard word processing software.

As always, John and his team promise to be on hand to help you with any difficulties you may have. Do make use of their availability to check your progress, especially if you are creating audio and video – you need to ensure that these kinds of product are formatted correctly.

Not long now until we begin the actual process of product creation. I really cannot wait to get started so I can update you with some real progress!

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Go to Day Twenty-Two

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