With Days 23 to 37 having been consumed entirely by product creation, days 38 to 41 of Partnership to Success are all about creating a members’ area.

A members’ area is a special set of pages on your site where customers who buy your product will gain access to the content they have purchased.

John takes you through some very simple steps in order to build out these pages using the OptimizePress plugin:

  • Ordering graphics
  • Creating pages and menus
  • Adding content
  • Protecting content
  • Monetising the area

However, I spent a lot more time designing my members’ area than the several days allotted to the task in the program, for one simple reason: I wanted to learn all all about using OptimizePress to build a site from scratch.

I also had a little bit of a delay in trying to clarify the precise kinds of graphics I would need, but happily this was resolved.

The result is something which I think looks really good, and I would suggest you too take the time to experiment with all of the awesome features and tools that are available in OptimizePress.

Indeed, I didn’t want to build a members’ area that looks merely good. I want it to look incredible, and for the purchaser to be truly wowed from the moment they first log in.

Remember that the members’ area is a valuable piece of real estate in which you can promote further products and services as an affiliate – something which John tells you all about on the last day of training. So it cannot look shoddy.

With my members’ area built, the next stage will be to move on to creating a sales page – something I have never done before, and may well be the most critical part of the entire course!

Check back soon to see how I get on!

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Go to Days 42 – 51

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