An Internet Marketer's Journal: March 16th 2024

The Ongoing Marketing Escapades of Duncan Whitmore

Hey all, Saturday again, and I hope you are looking forward to an enjoyable weekend!

Some news and updates for this week:

Frustrations with Training

Last week, I mentioned that I was buying more stuff I don’t need. Well, I got around to actually opening one of the little training products I sunk my cash into this week. It turns out that the videos were more than ten years old!

Now this is not to say that the information was necessarily bad. But even good information in old videos needs to be re-filmed from time to time – especially if you are sharing screenshots of websites that will eventually look very dated!

If and when you come to sell your own products online, please do not try to palm off old products onto people. The one thing that matters in internet marketing is your reputation, and you will simply flush it down the toilet if you do this sort of thing.

I won’t claim a refund as it was only $9.95. Not worth the hassle! But I won't be buying from this vendor again.

Don’t Ignore Cheap Products

This does, however, lead me on to another thought...

Don’t turn your nose up at “cheap” little $10 training products that are offered by highly respected marketers. Sure, you aren’t going to get the oceans of detail, or the exact blueprint, of how this marketer set up their business. You'd have to pay a lot more for that.

But what you do often get is the marketer's “big picture” philosophy. And that can get you thinking about your business in ways you might not have considered before.

Sometimes that is more valuable than purchasing a high-ticket training course costing thousands of dollars, where you tend to focus more on the details.

So the next time someone like Kevin Fahey or Mike Filsaime launches a little $9.95 eBook – don’t pass them up on the offer!

My $1,000+ MAP Bonus

My big project this week has been preparing my big bonus offer for Master Affiliate Profits (MAP).

If you’ve been reading my emails for the past few weeks, then you can’t have missed how excited I am about MAP – the brand new affiliate marketing “ecosystem” launched by my friends John Thornhill and Omar Martin.

As I said last week, I don’t like to get too promotional in these weekly journal updates. But it is difficult not to when this launch has blown everything out of the water!

At the most recent update, this launch has generated $256,634 in sales, with a staggering $201,445 being paid out in commissions to new members.

And remember, these aren’t small commissions – they are $566 each that complete newbies to affiliate marketing are pocketing.

I am delighted that so many of you have decided to partake in this thrilling new dawn for affiliate marketing.

But for those of you still sitting on the sidelines, I have just added a $1,000+ bonus offer that you can claim WITHIN THE NEXT FEW MINUTES.

Basically, if you sign up to become a MAP "backer" through my referral link, I will reward you with 12 HIGH VALUE BONUSES worth precisely $1,174.

You can check out your bonuses together with the full details on how you can claim them right here.

However, you won’t want to hang around – both Phase 2 of MAP and these bonuses will be withdrawn very soon. So you only have a short time to jump onboard by securing your lifetime Platinum MAP membership for a low, one-time fee.

Once Phase 2 closes, MAP membership will move to a recurring subscription basis, so you'll have to pay over and over.

So get your skates on and check out my MAP bonus before it is too late!

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Signing off for this week: As always, I hope your internet marketing efforts continue to deliver the success you want. And never give up! Perseverance is the mother of success.

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"Affiliate Marketing DONE FOR YOU"

The Master Affiliate Profits Course Contents


"Affiliate Marketing DONE FOR YOU"

The Master Affiliate Profits Course Contents






The Master Affiliate Profits Course Contents

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