An Internet Marketer's Journal:

The Ongoing Marketing Escapades of Duncan Whitmore

This week, I have again been busy with my latest project: learning everything I can about traffic, as well as signing up to some labor intensive (but promising!) traffic programs.

As we all know, traffic is the lifeblood of any online business. Regardless of how brilliant your product or beautiful your website may be, if you aren't getting eyeballs on your page, then it's all for naught.

So I will share the results of all of these endeavors once they are up and running, as I want them to benefit you too!

In the midst of all this, however, I got awfully bogged down in a lot of detail while fretting over various matters. 

"Should I upgrade this platform?"

"Did I remember to post my ads?"

"Have I claimed my bonuses?"


To make matters worse, I had issues with both Gmail and PayPal this week. I won't bore you with the details other than to say that it never rains, but it pours!

It's during stressful times like this that I try to remember the advice of a mentor in a different field.

When he was a top-performing high school soccer player, his coach would apparently begin every single training session with exactly the same words:

"The game you are playing is soccer. Your job in this game is to get this ball into that goal."

But why on Earth would he repeat such obvious truisms to the top-performing team in the school? And not just once, but every single day!

Well, it's perfectly simple. In a world that seeks to complicate things as much as possible, we often lose sight of the basic reasons why we do what we do.

The same is true with affiliate marketing. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of detailed courses, programs, strategies, and methods that you could spend countless hours attempting. 

But at the end of the day, our goal remains the same:

To promote high-quality products to an interested audience who will buy through our affiliate links.

Everything else is detail. And whenever you are getting too bogged down in that detail, remembering your basic purpose provides a haven of serenity.

It's for this reason that, in the daily articles I send you, I tend to repeat myself an awful lot. Yes, each article addresses a different topic. But you will notice that I pretty much say the same things, day after day:

  • Choose a good niche.
  • Understand your audience.
  • Create compelling content.
  • Build trust with your audience.
  • Promote good, high quality products.
  • Analyze your results and optimize your campaigns.

Yes, such repetition can get boring if you are a regular reader. But would you rather be boring and rich, or exciting and poor?

Remembering these kinds of basics is important not only when you get bogged down in details.

It can also help relieve you from what my friend John Thornhill calls "shiny object syndrome" - the tendency to dart about from product to product in search of a plug-and-play program that will spit out money in an instant.

Such temptation is only set to get worse as technology continues to change apace. We feel that we will be left behind if we don't invest thousands of dollars in the latest this, that, or the other. 

So every time you need a cure from these types of frustration, just remember the basic reasons why you are here. You'll soon stop worrying about unnecessary details, and start concentrating on the things that truly matter.

*   *   *   *   *

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