An Internet Marketer's Journal: May 18th, 2024

The Ongoing Marketing Escapades of Duncan Whitmore

Just a very quick update this week.

I've been working mostly on the new traffic project I mentioned in last week's update. In fact, it has pretty much consumed all of my time!

However, one irritating incident broke my concentration:

I was wrongly credited with an affiliate commission for one of my own purchases! 

This happens from time to time accidentally, but it certainly should not have in this case.

I am an affiliate for the front-end of the product in question. So a tracking cookie would have dropped itself onto my browser when I tested my own links.

However, my purchase was for an upgrade of the product deeper in the sales funnel. As such, my purchase history should have been hard-coded for the original affiliate who referred me to the product.

But instead, the commission ended up in my account!

I've followed up with the affiliate network, the vendor, and the correct affiliate, so there is no issue on this occasion. Nevertheless, it is still a hassle, as I have to transfer that commission myself to the correct affiliate.

So whenever you are purchasing products of which you are also an affiliate, always remember the following:

  • Clear your browser cookies, or use a Google Chrome "Incognito" tab, in order to make a purchase.
  • Do not trust promises of "hard coding" to override your own cookie!
  • If you are wrongly credited for a commission for one of your own purchases, you must inform the vendor and the affiliate network/program immediately. Your account with them could be suspended unless you advise them that the transaction was mistaken, and was not a deliberate attempt to game the system.
  • Try also to contact the correct affiliate if you know who they are. Otherwise, the vendor should know.
  • If neither the vendor nor the affiliate network is able to reverse the transaction, then always offer to pay the commission to the correct affiliate. However, you should wait until you receive the commission in cleared funds in your bank account before doing so. 

So, yes, a little hassle in my continuing marketing journey, but I hope by following this advice you will avoid this irritation yourself! 

*   *   *   *   *

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