An Internet Marketer's Journal: March 9th, 2024

The Ongoing Marketing Escapades of Duncan Whitmore

Well, it's been another week already. And a busy one too. I hope all of your online marketing efforts have been bearing fruit!

A few bits of news for you all this week:

Product Launch Update

As most of you know, my main project these past few months has been preparing for the launch of my new affiliate marketing training course.

I'm just putting the finishing touches to my JV page, for which I have done a lot by way of promotional materials!

If you ever come to launch a product of your own, remember that you have to get affiliates onboard, as they will be the best drivers of your traffic. So you have to bend over backwards to make it easy for them to promote. In fact, the assistance you provide needs to be everything just short of handing them cash on a plate!

Focus on making your affiliates rich, and you will become rich! That's the way it works.

If you want to get the lowdown on launching your own product, then check out this free webinar - it's really not as difficult as you think it is!

Buying More Stuff I Don't Need

Every internet marketer at some point in their career - usually towards the beginning - suffers from what John Thornhill refers to as the "Shiny Object Syndrome". You know, the tendency to leap from program to program, or product to product, without giving each one their due time and dedication.

Unfortunately, I've suffered a relapse these past few weeks, and have spent money here and there, mostly on additional traffic tools and training. Most of it is probably garbage (any kind of cheap traffic usually is) but some might be worthwhile.

My advice: once you invest in something - whether its training, software or some kind of tool - stick with it and see it through, making sure you have implemented it properly and given it time to show results. Don't let yourself get distracted by something else when you haven't made a million bucks in five minutes.

Success in internet marketing is a marathon, not a sprint. You need to stay invested in what you have if you are going to make it to the finish line.

Website Building

Yet again, I ignored my own advice when crafting complex web pages: optimize the design for desktop, tablet, and mobile as you go along. Do not create the entire page for desktop first before turning your attention to configuring the page for other devices.

I spent about two hours this week optimizing about thirty pages because I hadn't done so when I created the original template.

Remember that more than half of all web traffic these days comes through a handheld device, so optimizing for such devices isn't an option. Just be smarter about it than me when you create your own pages!

Master Affiliate Profits Update - THIS IS HUGE!

As those of you who have been receiving my emails will be aware, my main promotion at the moment is the Master Affiliate Profits (MAP) system.

I prefer to avoid getting too promotional in these journal entries. However, it's hard to ignore the impact of MAP - this launch has been MASSIVE.

At the latest update this week, MAP has generated $217,581 in sales, with an incredible $167,048 paid out in commissions to system members.

Many newcomers are earning their first high-ticket commissions of $566 - often without needing to take any action because the system provides free traffic.

MAP is different from either a traditional training course or an affiliate program. Its aim is to be an affiliate marketing "ecosystem" - a unique educational environment where you are simultaneously a student of the training, a promoter of the program and a list builder with all of the leads whom you refer. 

In other words, there is no distinction between members and affiliates. You earn while you learn, you learn while you build your list.

All you have to do is join, implement the training and start referring new members. For every member you refer, you are awarded lifetime 75% recurring commissions, plus you get to add your referred members to your email list!

Right now, MAP is in Phase 2 of its launch, during which you can secure a top-tier Platinum membership for life with a single, modest investment. This offer closes soon, with membership then moving to a recurring subscription basis. So you don't have long!

Check out MAP with this free webinar. I promise you won't want to miss out!

*   *   *   *   *

That's it for this week! May your internet marketing efforts continue to bear fruit, and remember: whatever stage you are, never give up! You will make it if you persevere.

*   *   *   *   *

Earn Commissions While Building Your List
Earn Commissions While Building Your List

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"Affiliate Marketing DONE FOR YOU"

The Master Affiliate Profits Course Contents


"Affiliate Marketing DONE FOR YOU"

The Master Affiliate Profits Course Contents






The Master Affiliate Profits Course Contents

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